Monday, October 26, 2009

Time for Mid-terms, already?

Yes, there has already been far too much time between posts here. I have been trying to practice consistently this year, I've been doing some teaching in the schools, and I've been going to Bikram yoga almost every day. The days go by incredibly quickly when I have this much to do.... the quarter is about halfway over! After this I will have only one more quarter before I graduate with my Masters degree. This makes me VERY happy.

I enjoy teaching the kids in the schools. For most of them it is the first time they have ever played a violin. It is difficult to not have more private time to concentrate on technique, but they actually learn from each other pretty well and they share a lot of excitement and energy. They all yelp that their finger tips are in pain from pressing on the strings, but I have no mercy. Complaining only means that we get to all play the exercise one more time in order to "get used to it" and build the muscles and calluses on their fingers. Muahaha.

Other than that we've been playing a lot of weddings which is nice. Yesterday I played at the smallest wedding I've ever been to - I think there were less than 10 people total, including the entire wedding party and Officiant. I thought it was nice to keep it small. They had the bride's dachshund puppy run down the aisle after the flower girls, which was one of the cutest things I've ever seen. I never would have thought that a dog belonged at a wedding, but suddenly it did make sense. After all, animals are a pretty important part of the family, so they might as well be included in the ceremony!

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